About SpeedText
SpeedText in Scotland

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RNID have developed the SpeedText Transcription Service.

The service is being developed in Scotland and we are pleased to announce the service is now available in the North of Scotland

Who might benefit from this service?

Deaf, deafened and hard of hearing people. SpeedText is ideal for people who have English as a first language.

How is the service provided?

Through the use of 2 laptop computers - one is used by a specially trained operator and the other by the deaf person.

Where would it be useful?

At meetings - training sessions - in education settings.... indeed practically anywhere where laptops can be taken.

How do I book a SpeedText Operator?

All bookings must be made through the RNID. Try to give as much notice as possible when booking.

Are there charges?

Yes, the RNID can give you full details.

Click here to get contact details SpeedText in Scotland

Click here for details of how to buy your own domain name at very low cost

Disclaimer - This site aims to give information about SpeedText but has no connection with the RNID.

© Speedtext Services 2002-5

